IFIE Americas Caribbean Working Group

Resiliency in the Caribbean During a Global Pandemic--2020

The IFIE Americas Caribbean Working Group (CWG)—representing 16 jurisdictions across the Caribbean—is collaborating once again to observe IOSCO's World Investor Week 2020.

Strengthening lifelong financial resiliency of our residents and communities remains a critical goal for the Caribbean region, particularly during a global pandemic. We remain committed to sharing information and educating the region on how they can become more financially prepared and resilient.

The region has an “I WILL” campaign using social and traditional media (including video if desired) to gather insights from member islands as to what areas individuals commit to strengthening by asking individuals/residents to send information to CWG members committing “I will do x…” to strengthen financial resiliency.

Because strengthening financial resiliency is relevant to individuals and families, communities and the institutions and organizations that serve them, to accompany the “I WILL” initiative, some Caribbean Working Group members are collecting/encouraging/sharing through video/traditional/social media “Lessons Learned” about “how I/my community/my organization helped build or strengthen financial resilience and what I learned from the effort and what I/my community/my organization am going to do next…”

This content will also be shared across each jurisdiction's websites and online platforms, on IFIE's website, and other outreach platforms, and used in various aspects of our collaborative work together.

Some IFIE Americas Caribbean Working Group members also support World Investor Week 2020 through their own investor education and financial capability activities such as: information to help individuals detect financial fraud and avoid financial scams; programmes and webcasts that provide investor education and financial capability outreach to individuals and communities virtually; seminars on particular aspects of investing for individuals that are highly relevant during the pandemic such as fintech; development of additional story lines and narratives for existing media characters (formatted for print and/or video) created to educate communities on an ongoing basis about different aspects of financial and investment skills and knowledge.

Participating Countries:

Updated: November 03, 2023