Cayman Islands

Lead Organization: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority

The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) initiatives include a joint "Caribbean Fintech Pledge", which the members of the Caribbean Working Group of the International Forum for Investor Education (IFIE) Americas Chapter are launching in concert as a part of their World Investor Week 2019 activities to sensitize investors to the importance of understanding digital assets and on-line investing. The goal of the online pledge is to inform the public about crypto assets and related investment risks, and to secure the commitment of readers to research and ensure they understand crypto assets before investing in them.

Strengthening lifelong financial resiliency of our residents and communities remains a critical goal for CIMA. We are committed to sharing information, tips, tools and strategies that can help our residents and communities become more financially prepared and resilient to withstand impacts of unforeseen events such as natural disasters and significant life changes.

While these initiatives are being launched during World Investor Week 2019, we will continue these initiatives through the balance of the year.


World Investor Week Coordinator(s): Shannon Francis, | Derrick Codlyn,

Updated: October 03, 2019